Caracas DC (click here)Falcon StateBolivar StateAmazonas StateZulia StateAnzoategui StateApure State (click here)Aragua StateBarinas StateCarabobo StateCojedes StateDelta Amacuro StateGuarico StateLara StateMerida State (click here)Miranda StateMonagas StateNueva Esparta State (click here)Portuguesa StateSucre StateTachira StateTrujillo StateTrujillo StateClaiming Zone
North of
South America
916,445 sq km
24.2 million
Oficial Language
Hugo Chavez Frias
Located at the Northen coast of South America, the Venezuelan territory covers 916,445 sq km, including 72 islands and 2,813 km coast on the Caribbean Sea. Its border countries are: Colombia to the West, Brazil to the South and Guyana to the East. Venezuela presents a great variety of landscapes and natural monuments distributed in 43 national parks besides countless species of animals that inhabit the territory.

The country is divided in 4 geographical areas, the Andes Mountains to the West; the beaches and islands to the North; the savanas of The Plains (Los Llanos) to the Center and the Amazon Rainforest and the Great Savanna to the Southeast. Venezuela is divided politically in 23 states, 1 federal district and the federal dependences.

The name Venezuela (small Venice) was given by the Spaniard navigator Alonso de Ojeda in the 15th century, after finding the palafittes (natives houses over the Maracaibo Lake).

In Latin America, Venezuela is one of the countries with more miscegenation. The local population was initially formed by mixtures of Spaniards with natives and African slaves. In the middle of this century, there was a migration from Italian, Portuguese, German and Spaniards and more recently, a migration from different Latin America countries, mainly from Colombia.

The country's capital Caracas is the most populated city with 4.6 million inhabitants and it is the cultural, economic and political centre. The Maracaibo City on Zulia State is the second most populated city with 2.8 million inhabitants and it is the main centre for the oil industry.
.The Country
Official Name: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Capital: Caracas
Nationality: Venezuelan
Language: Spanish (official) and numerous native dialects
Religion: 96% Roman Catholic; 2% Protestant
Currency: Bolivar (Bs.)
Localization: Northen coast of South America
Border countries: Brazil, Colombia and Guyana
Characteristics: Coast with several peninsulas and islands, 2 chains of the Andes Mountain (North and Northwest), Maracaibo Lake, Río Orinoco's delta (Southeast coast), plains (East of the Orinoco), Guyana's plateau (West of the Orinoco) and mountains (Southeast)
Climate: Tropical
Area: 916,445 sq km
Population (*): 24.2 millions (67% Mestizo, 21% European, 10% African, 2% Natives)
Major cities: Caracas, Valencia, Barquisimeto, Maracaibo, Maracay, Puerto La Cruz
Type: Federal Republic
Administrative division: 23 states, 1 federal district and 72 federal dependences
Chief of State: President Hugo Chavez Frias (Curriculum )
Agriculture: sugar cane, banana, plantain, corn, rice, orange
: bovine, swine, goat like, poultry, fish
Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, bauxite, gold, iron, diamonds, copper, lead
Industry: petrochemical, oil refining, metallurgy, steel, food, chemical (textile and paper), comunications
Major commercial partners: USA, Colombia, Germany, Japan, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom
(*) year 2000, source: CONAPRI