The Plains (or Llanos in Spanish) are located in the central depression of the country between the Andes (the coastal mountain range) and the Guayana shield occupying about one third of Venezuela's territory (more than 300.000 sq m).

For geomorphic reasons, the plains are divided into the Eastern Plains (Anzoategui and Monagas States), the Central Plains (Guarico and Cojedes States), the Western Plains (Portuguesa and Barinas States) and the Southern Plains (Apure State).

Apure is the most representative state due to its flora and fauna variety. The harmonious landscapes and beautiful sunsets give tourists the opportunity to know the vigorous life from the plains. There are alternative lodgings - cattle ranches (hatos) and ecological reserves, which have facilities for receiving visitors and are specialized in ecotourism activities.

Places to visit:
San Juan de Los Morros
Guarico Reservoir (Calabozo Dam)
San Fernando de Apure
Barbaritos Pallace
Camaguan Swamp
Hato Pinero

yVenezuela Yours - The Plains (Los Llanos) (English and Spanish)
yThink Venezuela - The Plains (Los Llanos) (English and Spanish)

yVirtual Venezuela - The Plains (Los Llanos) (Spanish)