Founded by Diego de Losada in July 25, 1567 and named before as "Santiago de Leon de Caracas", Caracas has approximately 4.6 million inhabitants. It is Venezuela's capital and the most populated city in the country.

It is located at the northern portion of the country and 936 meters height from the sea level which gives it a pleasing climate (between 23°C and 33°C). It is connected to the coast by a freeway, which offers a quick access to the Simon Bolivar International Airport and the Guaira Port.

It integrates a mixture of modern urban development and historical and cultural tradition aspects. Besides, there are also museums, theaters, several commercial centers, restaurants, squares, parks, hotels and one of the most modern subways in the world.

Places to visit:
Liberator Simon Bolivar's House
National Pantheon
Bolivar Square
Caracas Cathedral
Walk at The Proceres (Independence's Heroes Monument)
Central University of Venezuela
Modern Art Museum
Teresa Carreno Theater
The Cable Car (Avila's National Park)

yVenezuela Yours - Caracas (English and Spanish)
yThink Venezuela - Caracas (English and Spanish)

yVirtual Venezuela - Caracas (Spanish)
yTalking about Caracas (Spanish)